Hostinger review: The best hosting provider in 2020

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When it comes to hosting most of you will agree that hostinger is a new name. and we have a tendency to not believing in the newcomers. Most of us will love to go with hosting providers like Godaddy, Bluehost, HostGator, etc without any prior research.

At the time when I was deciding for the hosting provider for my blog, there were a ton of options in the market. During the first year of my blogging career, I set myself up with the GoDaddy cause I had big plans and I wanted to go everything as smoothly as possible with no technical hindrance.

To sum up in a sentence “I was a fool and noob”.

Its the biggest mistake we make as newcomers. We think that we are going to be an overnight success so let’s buy a decent and good looking hosting plan. But no, a thorough check of your idea is very necessary before doing any purchase.

I was paying extra for the services that I never used, along with least amount of resources at my disposal.

I am not saying that hosting providers like Bluehost or any of the others are not good but what I want to say is that opting for services like those if you are just starting up on your idea you are wasting the most important thing to you i.e. Money.

If you are just starting up, things you want to focus most on are

  1. Money
  2. Best value for money
  3. And someone you can trust upon

And believe me, even if you are getting a huge trust factor while opting for hosting providers like GoDaddy and others what you are loosing is your Money, and you are settling for Fewer Resources which isn’t good if you are just starting up.

On with the story-

So I was very confused looking through the tons of hosting providers, and that’s when I heard the name of Hostinger and believe me it for the first time I was hearing this name. I checked out the site and the first shock I got was the Dirt-cheap prices. Like coming from GoDaddy I was shocked to see half the prices for more services.

While using GoDaddy the hard truth i got to know was

“never buy WordPress hosting”

Buying WordPress hosting is like paying extra money for fewer features and just a WordPress install, something which can be done with just a click.

But that will be covered in another article ! this is the article about Hostinger web hosting so lets better stick to it.

Looking at such cheesy prices I thought that there must be something fishy! Why in the god’s name are they giving hosting at such a cheap price and if they are then why aren’t they “the overnight sensation”.

So I started to do a little research on google and other QnA platforms. the responses were mixed ! some good some bad.

But i keep on doing research and what i found out was that they are rather new to the scene “started in 2004”.

But when I saw that they are the ones who own 000webhost, whose free web hosting I exploited for most of my teenage life😬. I told myself “well yeah maybe they are new name but you have used them before so why not trust them now”.

Hense I decided to make a gutsy move and bought their premium web hosting plan, costing at around INR 119/month (around 2.89 USD ) if you buy for 4 years.

Along with that, I got a free domain name and a ton of features that I was surprised to see. Because in my previous hosting which was priced at double the cost I was getting very few of these features.

So i thought “So far so good” lets see what happens next.

After completion of all the signups and setting up! I was taken to my H-Panel. Yes, they don’t use the old C-Panel ! they have here own customized H-panel. Which provides me with all the things I need right at my finger tips.

I am able to access anything i need from the h panel ‘its all right there’.

There is also an option to talk to a representative of the Hostinger team right on the H-Panel! Now like all the other platforms the team might take some time before getting in contact with you but that’s a problem with all the companies! Especially when you have over 29 million users, collectively with subsidiaries in 178 countries.

On an overall basis in my experience Hostinger is one of the


Affordable &


Hosting provider out in the market. With Hosting plans in reach of everyone. So if you have an idea which you want to work on or if you are confused to weather go with the Hostinger or not.

Then for sure go with it, you will never regret the decision.


Is Hostinger good?

Hostinger is providing one of the most affordable and trustable web hosting in the market along with a ton of features such as 100 Websites, WordPress Acceleration (LSCWP), Cloudflare Protected Nameservers, LiteSpeed Cache, Free SSL Certificate, and much more. Along with that their custom H-Panel comes in handy with every tweak in front of you.

Is the customer service of hostinger good ?

The customer service of hostinger is almost the same as other hosting providers. It’s not so good but it’s not that bad either. There is an option to submit your query if no representative is available, and they get in contact with you as soon as possible. Apart from that there are hardly and instances that the error is from there side most of the time the customers are the ones who messed up.

Is the space provided by the hostinger is enough?

If you are going to just host your website, doesn’t matter how big it is. Until you aren’t trying to make something like YouTube, 5 Gb is the max space you ever gonna need. You won’t be able to fill 3 Gb of space by webpages. So going for a plan just cause it has larger storage is foolishness.

How much bandwidth is good enough for my site?

You may be wondering if 50 or 100 GB of bandwidth is enough for your website. Bandwidth is all about the number of visitors (traffic) you have to your site.
90(+)% of websites currently on the web use no more than 5 GB of bandwidth a month.

Here is a table telling you of how much bandwidth is actually needed by you.

Average page sizeNumber of PagesDisk Space NeededNumber of Daily PageloadsNumber of Monthly PageloadsBandwidth Needed
2 MB100200 MB10030006 GB
2 MB5001 GB5001500030 GB
2 MB10002 GB10003000060 GB
2 MB20004 GB200060000120 GB

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