Linus Torvalds warned developers not to use an Oracle-owned file system

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linus torvalds

Linus Torvalds, the developer who created the widely-used open source operating system Linux, warned users to use ZFS file system.

ZFS was build by Sun Microsystems, which has since been acquired by Oracle.

Torvalds said he does not feel “safe” adding ZFS code to Linux because of Oracles “litigious nature”.

The renowned programmer Linus Torvalds has warned users of Linux, the popular open-source operating system he built, not to use an Oracle file system because of possible legal actions.

The file system, called ZFS, was built by Sun Microsystems, which has since been acquired by Oracle. Torvalds wrote in an online forum on Jan 6 that he does not feel “safe” in adding ZFS code to the Linux project because of oracle tendency to file lawsuits against other companies, including and ongoing legal brawl between Google and Oracle.

Oracle has accused Google of ” stealing” its Java technology to build the Android operating system.

Torvalds wrote that there is “no way” he can merge any ZFS code until he gets an official letter from Oracle signed by is main legal counsel, or by executive chairman and CTO Larry Ellison saying that it’s fine to do so.


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