
Whatsapp collecting Data? Here are alternatives those will keep your chats private.

Blockchain technology provides the world with a more secure and efficient means of doing business. The need for privacy, data security, and easy to implement systems has long been the focus of corporations seeking to keep their companies internal workings private. The private sector shares these concerns with the corporate world.
This demand for private instant communication fueled the rise of popular encrypted messaging apps such as Telegram and Whatsapp. Now it appears that blockchain technology is set to revolutionize the way we communicate once more. Blockchain messaging apps are on the rise. Multiple platforms have entered the market this year, with more scheduled for release in the coming months.

Learn Ethical Hacking using Kali Linux from a to z: Part One

kali linux logo looking at world

Hacking is an art! An art of digital exploitation. It can’t be learned in a day or by reading a particular book ! It’s a lifestyle which you develop over time, slowly. To be called a good hacker you need to learn, and learn, and learn a ton of things before you can even come close.

I have designed this course so that you can get a glimpse of what it’s like to be a hacker! Not a script kiddie but a proper WHITE HAT hacker.

Building a pen-testing Lab in 2020


Now you have made up your mind that you also want to control the whole world from your system. You also want the glory and coolness of hackers you see on the TV. But you have no idea of where to practice your cool tricks?

Hacking: The Essence Of Digital Exploiting

working pattern internet abstract

Hacking isn’t just knowing many programming languages or knowing many tools, but hacking is understanding the whole system and using various methods to exploit it. Hacking can’t be defined by a single definition but it rather is a huge domain having tons and tons of subdomains.

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