
Next Generation of FPS by Riot Games

Recently Riot Games announced that its working on an online First Person Shooter code named ‘Project A’. What we know is that it’s gonna be a class based shooter. And its gonna be completely out of the League of Legends universe. So its gonna be first time when Riot Games is developing something out of the League of Legends universe.

Google’s latest breakthrough, attains the ‘Quantum Supremacy’

In a recently leaked paper, the tech giant revealed to had built a quantum computer that solved a problem that would take traditional supercomputers 10,000 years. In the paper, Google says that it has achieved quantum supremacy, a major milestone towards the development of quantum computers.

Blockchain: The ultimate enigma

The blockchain is a distributed ledger that is completely open to anyone. They have interesting property, once some data get recorded inside a blockchain it gets almost impossible to change it. Understand blockchain as a spreadsheet or any database table which is duplicated across the thousands of systems in a network, and voila that’s what blockchain is.

Vulnerability in Sudo, even the Restricted users can run commands as Root

A recently discovered vulnerability in the Sudo allows unprivileged users to run a command as root by specifying the user ID -1 or 4294967295. Sudo is one of the most powerful and commonly used utilities in all the Linux-based and UNIX Operating Systems. A vulnerability in that core utility has left everyone in utter confusion and frenzy.

Quantum Computing: A glimpse

quantum computer

Today’s computing is limited to having a single value of either 0 or 1 for each bit, quantum computing uses quantum bits (qubits) that are simultaneously in both states (0 and 1) at the same time. This phenomenon is called as the SUPERPOSITION. The consequence of this superposition is that quantum computers are able to test every solution to a problem at once. Further, because of this exponential relationship, such computers should be able to double their quantum computing power with each additional qubit.

What is Raspberry Pi ?

The raspberry pi is a magical, state of art device used by hackers, artists, programmers, creators, scientists, and students.The Raspberry Pi is a single-board, low-cost, high-performance computer first developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Panasonic Toughbook 55

The Panasonic TOUGHBOOK® 55 is a 14” semi-rugged laptop that features an innovative modular design and up to 40 hours of battery life with its optional 2nd battery. The modular design allows users to upgrade the memory, storage, keyboard and three different expansion areas featuring additional I/O, optical drives, authentication readers, dedicated graphics and more. Backward compatibility with the previous generation of docks protects customers’ investments while saving time and resources.

What is artificial intelligence ?

Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, intelligent computer programs to be precise. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.

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